To submit your show or creative project to People’s Spotlight, you must be a member of People’s Spotlight, and at least one member of the cast or production must be a member of People’s Spotlight.

Step by Step

Step 1: Submit Your Nomination

  • Before each voting period begins, new shows or projects are proposed and added to the ballot. Fill out this form to propose a show on the ballot.
  • Each show is reviewed to comply with our Code of Conduct.

Step 2: Voting Period

At the beginning of a voting period, members log into their account on and cast their votes in the subsequent 72 hours after the vote opens.

Step 3: Results

At the end of the voting round, the show or project with the greatest number of votes will receive support. The People’s Spotlight team will be in touch.

If your project does not win, you can re-submit your project up to two times for a total of three voting periods per creative team and project.

Members have one vote per membership. Stewards are responsible for overseeing this process and ensuring it is executed in a fair and just way. Stewards have the responsibility of ensuring the process is clearly communicated to all members and to adjusting the process should a better one emerge. All voting history and proposal history will be available to the community here.